Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My stance

           Through social media nowadays I see a lot of current events and up to date trends that had been going around. I have seen a lot of post about Donald Trump and how he had been a horrible person that discriminates against the Mexicans. There were always posts that I have agreed and disagreed with. For example, there are videos or vines that shows how a person acts under a certain circumstance really reflects the personality that everyone has. I strongly agree to posts that connects to me in some ways and I disagree with posts that sounds silly and unrealistic. I have seen posts such as the conflict in the Middle East and that many are suffering from terrorism in the Middle East. Right now I am concerned with how America might be able to end the conflict against other terrorist groups in the eastern part of the world. Also I am concerned with who might be our next president, and how he or she might have a big impact on our society.

- Syrian Crisis
- Presidential campaign


Syrian Crisis


  1. I think that this is a very important issue because whoever is elected will have a enormous impact on our social, political and economic relations within the US and other countries around the world. I believe Trump would only setback the US and any other President would be more beneficial for us as a nation.

  2. I agree with Sam, Donald Trump is very biased and ignorant, him becoming president will only hinder America from moving forward.

  3. I definitely agree about the countries who are stuck in between these terrorist group. Poor countries in the Middle East are being affected of this abuse and are trapped because there are too much power in the terrorist group. This world is broken because there is no peace in the world and there are so many problems that are taking a long time to solve and conflicts that cannot be solve.

  4. I agree with Sophia: peace is so hard to find in this world, even if we were to end all wars now and make everyone sign peace treaties, there will still be chaos from rebels who did not get what they want. Every country has a different viewpoint of what peace is, and that's what's keeping our world from finding any peace at all.
